JOY Law – donor agreements & planning a rainbow family


Posted By on 22/01/18 at 10:15 AM

By Kristina Antoniades (Special Counsel)

On this episode of JOY Law (JOY 94.9), we discuss rainbow families, donor agreements and issues to consider when planning your rainbow family.  Specifically, we talked about:

  • donor agreements and clarifying the intention of the parties entering into a donor agreement;
  • the legal rights of the parties;
  • ‘known’ and ‘unknown’ donors;
  • relationships between ‘known’ donors and lesbian parents; and
  • other matters to cover in a donor agreement, such as where the parties agree that the donor will be a co-parent (given donors are not considered to be “parents” under the law).

We also discussed the Prospective Lesbian Parenting Victoria group (PLP), a friendly inclusive and informal group for lesbian/same-sex attracted women who are considering parenthood.  If you’d like more information about PLP, please send an email to

You can listen to the podcast from this week’s show by clicking here.  If you would like more information or need assistance with a Donor Agreement, please contact a member of our Family & Relationship Law team.

If you’d like the team to answer a question on air, please email

KHQ Lawyers is a proud sponsor of JOY 94.9.

Monica Blizzard

Monica Blizzard Director

Monica Blizzard is an Accredited Family Law Specialist with the Law Institute of Victoria, a trained mediator and collaborative lawyer, and has 20 years experience working in family law.

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